Ospalh’s github repositories

Some original and forked repos.

Original and potentially useful projects:

Julia and her sister


A collection of Anki2 addons in different states of bugginess and usefulness.

A collection of add-ons for Anki2 spaced repetition system flashcard software. The more generally useful add-ons include:
Erdbeben, Gewitter, Feuer und Väter


Addon for Anki2 that may do some of the things that batterseapower’s pinyin-toolkit did for Anki2

My first version of this add-on looks up pinyin for hanzi entered and applied styling so that the Chinese text could be shown with tone color.

Thomas TEMPÉ has taken over development. Take a look at his version, or download it from AnkiWeb or with the code 3448800906.

words for throws starting with 2, 5, 3


Wordlists and some other files for my nicely formated diceware lists.

Lists to produce safe and easy to remember passphrases with just a few dice.

Small or tiny projects:


Use an existing ssh-agent when there is one or start a new one.

This is my take on the idea described by elertric monk: Use an existing ssh-agent when there is one or start a new one.


  • Get the file
  • Change “<user name>” to your user name.
  • mkdir ~/.ssh/agent
  • chmod 700 ~/.ssh/agent
  • Just keep the file and source it when you feel like it
  • Or insert it into your .tchrc. I had problems with this on Linux, but it worked all right on cygwin.
  • Then just ssh-add your keys once per boot.


Simple python scripts that print the ages of files.

Two little python scripts that print the ages of files in seconds (age) or days (days).


  • Copy to ~/bin or somewere else in your path
  • Make sure they are executable
  • Say age <file> or days <file> or for any file you want to know when it has been modified.
The scripts also work when you pass several files to them (days *).

The age script prints just seconds. The numbers quite soon get rather large, and it becomes hard to parse the output for files more than a few ten thousand seconds old.

days prints the age with great precision. It does not use hours, minutes and seconds as subunit of the day, but uses decimal fractions. These are separated with apostrophs to increase readability. For long time spans the age is shown in years, too.

Original and probably less useful projects:


Simple test of font redering in android

A quick hack to test font rendering on Android devices. Related to the AnkiDroid issue 1247.


An Anki 1.2 plugin to downolad Japanese audio clips. There is an Anki 2 version that does this now, Download audio.



Anki on Android

Fork of nicolas-raoul’s AnkiDroid for patches.


Anki 2.0 Plugin Answer Key Cascade (Code: 992946134 )

Fork of Kenishi’s Answer-Key-Cascade for patches.


Anki on the desktop (Qt)

Fork of dae’s ankiqt for patches. There are also a few branches that are more to my personal taste and have not been pulled by dae.


A spaced repetition library for Anki

Fork of dae’s libanki for patches. Here, too, there are a few branches that are more to my personal taste and have not been pulled by dae.


The old Anki 1 pinyin plugin

Fork of batterseapower’s pinyin-toolkit. The original seems abandoned. This is a quick patch to make this work again with Anki 1.2. I had started an Anki 2 replacement, chinese-addon.

Thomas TEMPÉ has taken over development. Take a look at his version.


jQuery plugin for "x ago" date formatting with auto update

Fork of jzaefferer’s jquery-prettydate for patches.


Kanji description and vectorial data in correct stroke order

Fork of KanjiVG’s kanjivg for patches.


A script to turn KanjiVG data into colored stroke order diagrams

Fork of cayenneskanji-colorize. This is a rather early fork. I added command line arguments independantely from cayennes. I also added a way to use hardcoded colors because i didn’t like either of the original color schemes.


A Git clone of the cjklib repository at http://cjklib.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/

Fork of batterseapower’s cjklib. This fixes an issue that kept the old pinyin toolkit from working on newer Linux systems.