Two little girls sitting on a wooden staircase.
Julia and her sister

As Bruce Schneier said

There are two kinds of cryptography in this world: cryptography that will stop your kid sister from reading your files, and cryptography that will stop major governments from reading your files.

Providing a password prompt and setting it up with the expression Lock account with password suggests more than the first kind. Alas, it is not so.

This add-on allowed even kid sisters to access accounts where a password is set.

This is an Anki 2.0 plugin. I have no plans of updating it. People that are interrested in this are welcome to take this over.


  • Method 1: Copy the file to the Anki add-ons folder. I would suggest to rename it, so the name is less conspicuous. You probably also want to remove the comment about Bruce Schneier.
  • Method 2: Insert the part of the file from def shortLoad to the end into another add-on already in the add-ons folder.
  • Method 3: If you are using a source installation, you may also patch the load-method from ankiqt/aqt/, so that it looks like shortLoad in the add-on file.


The password input line at the
bottom is marked.
The profile selection dialog. Type kid sister here.

In the profile selection dialog, when prompted for a password, type kid sister.