Two lines of Text: 1: Frankreich hat 65 Millionen Einwohner. 2: 70 → 65. The 70 is blue, the 65 green.
70 is close to 65.

When learning some types of numbers, like the number of inhabitants of a country, getting it almost right is good enough. This add-on colors the answer in yellow when it was close to the original answer.

The answer is also re-arranged into a single line, and typically shown with the standard font, not a monospace one.

This is an Anki 2.0 plugin. I think i will update it to 2.1, but don’t know when i will get around to it. If you are impatient, you can of course do the update yourself. Please let me know which way you want your version published.


Similar to the image
above. The 70 and 65 are in two lines. The 70 is gray on red, the 65
gray on gray.
Without this add-on: even though the typed in answer is close to the correct one, it is marked in red.

In the image, the correct answer is 65, when you know it is close to 70, you type that. The original behavior is to compare character by character, and mark the typed answer red: a 7 is no 6 and a 0 is no

  1. With this add-on, the whole answer would be yellow, as it is close to the correct answer.

On the other hand, if you had typed 650 as the answer, with the original behavior, you would get the 65 marked green and 0 marked red, showing more green, even though the answer is farther from the correct one. With this add-on the 650 would be completely red.



To use, the name of the answer field (the {{type:NN}} bit) must contain the word scalar. For example use Area scalar or Inhabitants scalar for a geography deck or Atomic mass scalar for a chemistry deck.

For fields without scalar in the name the behavior stays the same, doing the character-by-character comparison.


Like Anki itself, this add-on is doing the coloring with CSS classes. It reuses two of the standard classes, typeGood and typeBad, and uses the class typePass for the yellow close-enough bits. To modify the display, styling for these classes should be added to the card styling. The div containing the numbers also has the class typedscalar, so that these numbers can be styled differently from typed-in text.

Take a look at the [source code] ( for more details.

The example images where taken with a somewhat complex note type, using this type of CSS setup. In this case:

.card {color: #657b83; background-color: #fdf6e3;}
#typeans span {background-color: #fdf6e3;}
.typeBad {color: #dc322f;}
.typeMissed, .typePass {  color: #268bd2;}
.typeGood{color: #859900;}

This also changes the pass/close enough color from the yellow mentioned in the text to blue.

The basic color scheme is called Solarized.

Close enough factor

To change what counts as close enough change the pass_factor in the .py source file.

Anki version

Please make sure that you are running a version of Anki ≥ 2.0.9, as the comparison mechanism was changed for that release.